Blue Sky Mind is Going Live! You’re Invited to an Intimate Chat about Positive Psych & Mental Health (Read: My Own)

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I’m so excited to announce that this week, on Thursday, April 15th @ 6pm PST, I’ll be going live on Instagram with The Scooty Fund for a conversation on using the science of positive psychology to improve your mental health.

I’ll be sharing what positive psychology is, some of its core principles, and how I used it to escape the unfortunately-familiar prison of anxiety and low self-esteem. We’ll be taking questions from the audience in advance and throughout the show, so come to learn, connect and share space on the increasingly important topic of nurturing and protecting the health of your sweet, beautiful brain.

About The Scooty Fund

If you’re unfamiliar with the organization, The Scooty Fund is a 501(c)(3) organization working to help young adults cope with emotional and mental health challenges effectively through community, dialogue, authenticity and education. The Scooty Fund’s story begins with the life of Will Taylor (aka Scooty), who died by suicide at age 21 in 2017. One year later, Will’s sister Kasey Taylor, friend Tara Nielson and fellow dedicated board members launched The Scooty Fund in his memory.

They do this by elevating the voices and stories of people within their community along a number of important topics, like sexuality, addiction, depression & anxiety, and more. Recent topics on their instagram have included toxic masculinity/femininity and how to have healthier relationship with social media. The organization seeks to create and hold space for all experiences, thus validating the individual and creating safety and community for others going through something similar.

About the event

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know I’ve had my fair share of hardship with anxiety and disordered eating; it’s ultimately what lead to the creation of Blue Sky Mind, as a way to share the helpful resources I was finding on my personal exploration of the science of positive psychology. I’m partnering with The Scooty Fund on behalf of Blue Sky Mind to share more about the positive side of the mental health spectrum. If traditional psychology seeks to take people from -10 to 0, positive psychology is an emerging field of research that seeks not to take them from 0 to 10, to a place where they are truly thriving and flourishing.

I’ve never had a public conversation like this. One in which I plan to share some very personal experiences with anxiety, disordered eating, and dangerously low-self esteem. But I’m excited to be vulnerable. It won’t be academic, and I might even say the wrong thing (I will seek to provide triggers warnings before delving into sensitive topics). But I’m going to try hard to authentically portray my experience with mental health, and send infinite amount of love and nurturing in the universe with my story. Hope you’re there for it, but more hope you’re touched by it.

How to attend

The best way to stay up to date on the conversation and connect with other members of the community beforehand is to click “Attend” on our event page, add the event to your calendar, then follow The Scooty Fund and Blue Sky Mind on Instagram to make sure you receive the notification when we’re live! We’d also love it if you’d introduce yourself in the event feed and share any questions you might have about positive psychology prior. xx


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