How I'm Staying Connected, Healthy & Positive Right Now

In an effort to talk about anything other than our fears and anxieties around the coronavirus (of which, I’m experiencing many), I wanted to share what I’m thinking about to stay positive and fulfilled right now. Yes, we’re social distancing, meaning bars, restaurants, concerts, and other forms of group entertainment are less advisable right now. But I’m choosing to focus on all that I can continue to do with this time of mandated chill. 

Focusing on my bodily health

I’m work-from-home like many of us now, and on mostly East Coast hours, so my weekday mornings are crazy. But here’s what I’m actively trying to incorporate each day, to protect my immune system and psychologically take back a little sense of control that a global pandemic has taken from all of us.

  • Outdoor movement. Walks in the morning, at lunch, and in the afternoon; I just do this around the block and try to pick the side of the sidewalk that’s in the sun! Scheduling a workout for the evenings. Walking with a friend (as close to 6 feet apart as possible) for some much needed social connection.

  • Whole foods. Greens at every meal. If not greens, at least nutrient-rich fruits (berries, oranges, grapes, etc.). Prebiotics to feed the healthy gut bacteria (ie. fiber-rich foods like oatmeal, garlic, apple, banana).

  • Probiotics. I’m taking a probiotic every morning to ensure strong and healthy gut function, which helps with proper nutrient absorption and host of other benefits for your body

  • Supplements. I recently had my annual physical, which revealed I was slightly vitamin D deficient. Vitamin D is an important nutrient for a healthy immune system, so I’m taking a daily supplement as recommended by my doctor, and trying to get out into the sun as much as possible. Magnesium is also something you can take to help relieve any anxiety you might be feeling naturally; I’m popping it a little more than normal.

  • Super-hygiene. I’m not usually a big germ person, but I’m taking this opportunity to get better about hand washing, not touching my face so much, spraying down the apt, etc. 

Building up my mental resilience

About 7-8 months ago, I was in a state of such frazzled nerves that I ended up getting prescribed an anti-anxiety medication. Though highly situational (post-breakup), I’ve been worried about ending up over-reliant. I’m using this stressful time to practice self-soothing through a number of natural techniques. 

  • Meditation. Every day, I’m on Insight Timer doing 10-15 minutes of silent or guided meditation. It’s really nice to do mid-workday, as it’s a moment to reset my mental circuitry and allow my muscles to untense. 

  • Spiritual books.When Things Fall Apart” is a book one of my best friends sent me while I was going through the aforementioned breakup, and I’ve been re-reading it during this new period of stress. 

  • Journaling. It’s been really helpful to re-engage in my gratitude, manifesting, and releasing practice during this time. 

  • Therapy. I’m lucky enough to have found a good therapist that I  can connect with bi-weekly. Talking through not just what is happening, but how it’s making me feel, is helping me learn to sit with uncomfortable emotions and allow them to be present, without hijacking my day to day. 

Staying in one place; focusing on “being” 

I feel grateful that about a month ago, I had just ended a two month stint of nonstop travel. After two weeks in Washington & Hawaii, a week in NYC, and two weeks in France (all within a two month timeframe), I was so ready to stay put in San Francisco and just be. Well, I got what I wished for. Here’s how I’m trying to honor that desire in myself. 

  • Reading. I have a stack of 4-5 books that I’ve been very slowly making my way through. I love the idea of spending more nights in burrowing into those. Currently on the shelf: Factfulness, The Testaments, Super Genes, and Devil in the White City. 

  • Calling family and friends to connect. I’m pretty good about calling mom and dad once a week, but I’ve got best friends in LA and NYC and two brothers I can be better about checking in with. Now’s the time. 

  • Writing. I’ve been needing to get myself back into my writing for some time post-breakup. Writing helps me clarify my thoughts and feel like I’m putting something of value into the world; exactly what I need right now to feel grounded and even joyful about being alive (it is possible!).

Some other ways I’m coping...

  • Cleaning and organizing my house (since I’m here a lot more!). This includes wiping everything down regularly (duh), organizing drawers, removing dead plants and buying new, happy ones to keep me company.

  • Doubling down at work to prove how much I’ve learned/grown in the last year since taking on this new role. 

  • Finding comfort in the global community. Never in my lifetime has one thing affected our entire planet at the same time, such that we are all united in one common struggle. There’s a huge rallying effect that can be seen online in positive corners of the internet, outpourings of support and empathy from brands and institutions, and bright points of gratitude and calm within my everyday communities. Revel in this sense of connectedness. It’s our truest state of relation to one another.

Finally, I’ll tell you what I’m not doing:

  • Buying an excessive amount of food or toilet paper or water. Hoarding is feeds panic and removes necessary resources for others.

  • Traveling unnecessarily or going to crowded bars/restaurants/venues. 

  • Relentlessly researching things about coronavirus.

Finally, here are some other resources I found helpful:

What are some of the positive ways you’re thinking about our current situation? Is there anything you’re feeling grateful for in this moment? How are you finding presence and warding off anxiety?


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